Saturday, November 30, 2013

It's 2 AM..

It is 2 AM and I am wide awake.   I would compare it to Christmas eve when I was a little kid.  I am excited to be joined with the woman I love.  Tomorrow Today I start the next chapter in my life.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Gasp a new post!

I have been a bit silent on this blog.  Mainly because I used it to convey meaning or elaborate on a feeling or just to get my thoughts out.  Since I spend everyday with the love of my life and I try to keep an open line of communication the need for putting thoughts down is nearly non existent.

Saying that I think I have come to a time when I want to put something down.  This will allow me to elaborate my thoughts with out getting the silly look. this is probably silly but I will go though with it anyway.

My love and I are Wall-E and Eve.

I was watching Wall-E yesterday (what can I say I love Pixar). While watching I saw the similarities between that movie and me and my beloved.

Wall-E is a robot who is odd, curious, lonely, beaten up, shy, and messy.  He collects odd trinkets and watches his favorite movies time and time again. I find myself really connecting  to him.  I know I am odd (goofy),  I am extremely curious,  I was very lonely, I am a mess, and I am very shy when it come to new people.  I watch the same Miyazaki Movies over and over and if you have seen my desk you know I collect trinkets.  He is a perfect analogy for me.

Eve is smart, stylish, brave, serious, and very determined.  She is on a mission and goes about doing it with dedication and skill.  She also is not afraid to enjoy a moment as we see when she just flies around enjoying the open air.  This is how I see my love. She is smarter than she gives herself credit. She is stylish and she gets complements on her outfits all the time.  She also can and does complete everything she puts her mind too.  Everyday I look up to her.  She is awesome.

Some how she has fallen for this rundown  goofball who doesn't have a clue at what he is doing.  All he knows is that he loves her with all his heart.   I look forward to the next time I get to hold her hand.

T - 588 hours and counting....