Another week has gone by and the questions keep rolling in. I have had quite a few people ask me if I was sure that marriage is what I really wanted. The come in the form like: "You have to move where? Are you sure you want to do that?" or "Wow she is sick a lot. Are you sure you want to take that on?" or "Wow, your selling all these miniatures? Are you sure this is what you want?"
The first word out of my mouth is "Yes" without hesitation.
I guess I am just a weird duck. In my heart, you know the one I have already promised to my betrothed, I feel that it is the only answer. I have always heard that I should follow my heart. I never knew that statement had a hidden clause of "only if it is easy."
There is no guarantee that love is going to be easy. To be honest I feel that love should be a challenge. If it is too easy how can it keep your interest. Sure there are smooth times they will be plentiful but every once in a while a speed bump should come along so you can take stock in your feelings. Re-energize you love and make you realize that this is the one for you. Without these speed bumps your love becomes common place. When that happens you start to take for granted the love you need to earn.
So, when asked, "are you sure you want to move?"
I answer "Heck yea, I want to be where my life will be complete."
"Are you sure you want to take that on?"
"Of course! Taking care of the one you love is part of a relationship. Wouldn't she do the same for me?"
"Are you sure you want to sell all of your minis?"
"Completely, I am going to be moving soon and the more I sell the less I have to move. Those armies are collecting dust and wanted to sell them a long time ago. This gives me the chance and a reason to get off my butt and do it!"
Are you sure this is what you want?"
"I wish I could make clear that I know what I am getting into. I have seen good marriages and bad, I have heard the horror stories and I am not scared. I have asked God for a chance to love. I have waited a long time. I have tried a few times but never have I thought this is the one. Until now."
"The woman I fell in love with is the right fit for me. When we talk about the important stuff we see eye to eye. We have had many similar experiences. We have a lot of the same worries. That is how I know she is right for me. That is who I fell in love with. That is the person I gave my heart. That is the person I want to spend the rest of my days with. I want to be there in good and bad, sick and health, rich or poor. It is a complete package."
"I know in my heart that we will face thing together. We are not 2 people struggling with life. We will be one united force. We will laugh, cry and fight as one and it will be glorious!"
and that is how I want to answer all those doubters. >_<
until next time...
T-137 and counting.